Super Late New Year Wish

I don’t usually make new year wish (or resolution or bucket list). But, I do want to make some wishes for this year (it’s late, but it’s ok.. I don’t think people read my blog anyway)

I wish we can be more humane this year, people are being more and more inhumane nowadays, even being ourselves is difficult. We are judged by what we wear and what we don’t wear, most people are trimming some part of themselves in order to fit in in society, people are trying to look perfect. A lot of connections are made through deals. I hope we can be true to ourselves and make real connections, call or text our family and real friends regularly, true friends are hard to come by, so make sure we maintain this relationship.

I hope this year, we can travel and see the world, many people travel without trying to understand the local culture and how people may have different lifestyle than others, many people travel only for social media posts, to show other people that they’re successful and living their life, but I hope we don’t travel for this, I hope we travel to broaden our view of the world. Traveling is delicious when we grasp new experiences and understanding.

I wish we listen to good music, we are exposed to a lot of trash arts right now, people crave for something that relates to them, we don’t dig down, we are satisfied with easy things, music are produced for social media, movies are produced with cheap story and bad actors, a lot of books are simple, because people get used to short story line, no need complex thinking. I hope this year, we start reading again, exercising our brain.

I wish this year we can be kind to ourselves and to others even if the world isn’t. It’s easy to get carried away and angry nowadays, the world is a scary place for the souls. But don’t forget the things that trully matter to us. Reflect; write something, journaling, it helps me to keep sane in this crazy world, and if you try to do it, I hope it does the same to you.

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